Structuring Your Page

Structuring Your Page

<!DOCTYPE html><html><head> <title>Structuring Your Page</title> <script type="text/javascript">  function exampleFunction(){   //do nothing  } </script> <style type="text/css"> </style> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/link/to/css.css"></head><body> <header>  Site Header </header> <article>  <h1>Warning: Earth to Explode Within 5 Years</h2>  <p>   A new government report released today warns that if action is not taken soon to distance ourselves from the sun, it may spontaneously explode within 5 years.  </p>  <h2>Expert Reaction</h2>  <p>   A number of experts in astrophysics and from within the space industry have given their reactions to the report.  </p>  <h3>"What a Stupid Remark"</h3>  <p>   Dr <strong>A N Other</strong>, a professor for the University of Space has denounced the report as 'a waste of taxpayers' money:  </p>  <p>   <em>What a stupid remark,</em> he began, <em>We have managed this close to the sun for billions of years. Why would that suddenly change in 5 years?</em>  </p>  <h3>"Get Off While You Can"</h3>  <p>   On the opposite side of the argument, the Committee for Planetary Home Movers, have given this stark warning.  </p>  <p>   <em>With this report, we can finally start colonising Mars. Get off while you can before being turned into a fireball</em>  </p> </article> <aside>  Useful for sidebars, or other less-important content </aside> <footer>  Indicates a footer, of a page or a section </footer></body></html>
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