Who’s Behind the Tutorial Resource Centre?

Who’s Behind the Tutorial Resource Centre?

Well, thank you for asking!

Run by Martin Oxby

This site is run voluntarily as a free resource of HTML, JavaScript and CSS Tutorials. Shared knowledge helps the Internet and makes us all better at what we do. I have learned coding the hard way – initially through books and later through building and designing websites.

I am Martin Oxby and I used co-run a small web design agency in Scotland. However because I suffer from a likely life-long chronic pain condition called Fibromyalgia, working in the normal sense, is no longer possible for me. Over the last 2-3 years this condition has only worsened so I have been prioritising my family and trying to wrestle with Fibromyalgia.

Is This Site Still Active?

Yes! You may continue to access all of the tutorials, free of charge, as that has always been the vision here. However, currently, I am not adding new tutorials due to the levels of pain I’m in – and the concentration required to produce lessons of a worthy quality.

But I am ensuring website security and stability is maintained through regular maintenance and checks. I want you to feel safe browsing my humble coding tutorials site and so I do what I can to achieve that.

Enjoy Coding!

I have been learning (because in technology you’re always learning!) coding since I was about 13. I’m now in my 30s.

The web has changed dramatically over that time and I hope that by building this site, you can learn the foundational code needed to construct a website of your own – which is often more satisfying than using the various ‘free builders’ out there – because you have truly achieved it yourself!

Totally Voluntary

As this project is run on a voluntary basis, I will add to it as and when I can – so be patient with me as I build a library of useful, shareable and actionable web development lessons – I hope you’ll join me on this journey.

And most importantly, have fun- you’ll learn better that way!

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